A Trusted Advisor to Financial Institutions

Recent and Upcoming Speaking Engagements

  • April 2024:
    • 26: GSB: IT Management School, University of Wisconsin
  • July 2024:
    • 25: Advanced Banking School: Penn State University



    Contingency Planning
    Contingency planning is a rare item these days: a regulatory requirement that is also a prudent business practice. You have to be sure, through analysis and testing, that you have plans and methods in place for business continuation. All contingency planning has a three pronged focus:
    1. Prevention – taking steps to greatly reduce the possibility of an occurrence. This is easier for things you control (installing redundant power supplies and hard drives in your network servers) than things you don’t control (weather).

    2. Minimization – planning and testing will contribute to a lessening of the impact of any occurrence

    3. Restoration – again, the planning and testing you’ve done will enhance your ability to respond and begin to restore operations.
    In the context of technology planning, be sure that contingency and DR are integrated into all of your efforts.